1. Lean Innovation Educators' Resource Hub
  2. H4 Toolkit
  3. Concept 3: Beneficiary Discovery and the VPC

Beneficiary Discovery Livestream

Welcome to the Common Mission Project live stream series, brought to you by the Common Mission Project.

In our first event episode, we bring together members of our H4 Academic Advisory Board to discuss the importance of beneficiary discovery and students getting out of the classroom to learn about their problem domain. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions on what you've experienced in the classroom, either as a student, educator, innovator, or entrepreneur as we continue to learn more about this impactful approach to solving problems.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only for non-commercial purposes. This work was originally authored by Steve Blank, Pete Newell, and Joe Felter. Copyrights in this work are jointly owned by The Common Mission Project and BMNT, Inc. 

Please visit us at https://www.commonmission.us/ to learn more about the organization, and to find educator resources to enhance the student experience.

To learn more about the CMP H4 Academic Advisory Board, please visit https://www.commonmission.us/about#about-academic-advisors